Sweet Potato Fries and Eggs

I cooked my  first sweet potatoes this week, made sweet potato fries.

sweet potatoes ready to fry

sweet potatoes ready to fry

I fry them in coconut oil.  It’s supposed to be a better oil for high heat frying.  When done and the oil is cool enough I pour it through a paper towel in a funnel into a clean glass jar for storage.  This jar is just left on the counter till the next time.  I’ve been doing this for over a year with no problems.

Lets do a little egg production history.  I brought home 6 one day old chicks April 4th, 2012, 5 hens and 1 rooster (Jack was a surprise).  I still have all of them, the gods have been looking out for them.  On August 4th, 2012,  I got my first egg.  shortly after that all of the ladies were laying eggs daily.  About 7 months later the ladies had laid over 1000 eggs on March 14th 2013.  Well we have gone another 7 months and the ladies laid their 2000th egg, on October 22nd, 2013.  I keep track with my egg production sheets.  https://mygardenmychickens.wordpress.com/2013/03/07/egg-production-sheet-take-two/.


  1. Gotta love sweet potato fries! And congrats on all those eggs.

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